Google Chrome, Firefox & Other Browsers Affected by Adrozek Malware

Web browsers infected by malware

All web browsers, like Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Yandex, and Chrome, are affected by Adrozek Malware. Microsoft team has revealed that the browsers have become targets for ongoing malicious campaigns.

New Malware is Affecting Web Browsers Like Chrome

Web browsers affected by malware

The research team has informed that the malware ads are inserted to search results, and then it adds malware-infected browser extensions. As per the reports, the virus is there since May and has been attacking since August. However, the threat of malware is noticed on more than 30,000 devices.

Microsoft said,

“In total, from May to September 2020, we recorded hundreds of thousands of encounters of the Adrozek malware across the globe, with a heavy concentration in Europe and in South Asia and Southeast Asia.”

The Adrozek malware modifies 70% of the web browsers. All the devices are at risk here globally. According to Microsoft, the virus is distributed via malicious domains, and all the domains receive 17,300 distinct URLs. All these domains can bypass security tools of threats.

Microsoft explained,

“If not detected and blocked, Adrozek adds browser extensions, modifies a specific DLL per target browser, and changes browser settings to insert additional, unauthorized ads into web pages, often on top of legitimate ads from search engines.”

Distributing malware is illegal, but it is limited in threatening to all the users. The strains of Adrozek malware are specific to Mozilla Firefox, which are coded to lift users’ data stored on their device, and then there is the possibility of taking over account and identity of the fraud.

How to stop Adrozek malware?

If you want to stop getting attacked by Adrozek, then the user should not download the files from offensive sources (not so popular), and for protection, it is better to use antivirus services.

And if you think you have been affected by the malware, then immediately uninstall the web browsers which you use and re-install it.

The post Google Chrome, Firefox & Other Browsers Affected by Adrozek Malware appeared first on TechviralNews.

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