The Italian government favors foreign direct investments, which are also known as FDIs. They provide tax credits to foreigners investing in various business sectors in Italy. Retail, tourism, and food businesses are the sectors of the Italian economy that see the highest number of investments from foreigners.
Italy sees the highest amounts of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) from France, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and Germany. The industrial infrastructure and business opportunities in the northern parts of Italy are more developed than in the southern parts. So, the government of Italy provides various tax incentives for foreign direct investments in Italy.
To learn more about this, check out this guide with trends and data about foreign investment in Italy.
More considerable tax exemptions are provided to those who make investments to improve the industrial infrastructure and labor sector of the underdeveloped parts, which are primarily present in southern Italy. Those who invest in intangible assets get a tax credit of 15%, while those who invest in machinery and capital goods get a tax credit of anywhere between 20% to 40%. Such benefits make it easier to make investments in Italy. But will Italy become more open to foreign direct investments? You can learn more about the various sectors where foreign investments are welcomed in Italy.
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Various sectors to invest in Italy 2021, you can pick from sectors like tourism, food, fashion, real estate, and retail. Read on as we explore these sectors as investment prospects.
Italy is one of the countries in the world with the highest standards of living. The quality of life in Italy is pretty high. So, the demand for real estate is also high. This, in turn, makes Italy one of the most lucrative places in the world to own property. For this reason, real estate prices are very high in Italy, and more and more foreigners want to invest in Italy in 2021.
Italy is one of the most visited countries in the world. Travelers from around the world flock to Italy every year. Italy is the country with the highest number of UNESCO world heritage sites. These, along with the balmy Mediterranean weather, long coastline, art, rich culinary traditions, and scenic beauty, make Italy one of the favorite holiday destinations for people worldwide. So, tourism is one of the highest-earning businesses in which you can make investments in Italy 2021. Be it hotels, restaurants, or experiences, investing in promoting tourism in Italy is almost always profitable.
Italy is known for its rich culinary traditions around the world. The demand for fresh produce, specialty foods, and even processed meats from Italy is relatively high among the neighboring countries of Italy and around the world. So, investing in food businesses in Italy can be very profitable. Large-scale industries that manufacture specialty Italian foods in giant quantities or small-scale home-based productions units, the profits from investing in these places are very high. So, these industries always get a massive portion of foreign investment in Italy 2021. These foreign direct investments are made to meet the demand for Italian goods in the country’s domestic markets from which the investors hail.
To Conclude, Italy is one of the most lucrative places to make foreign direct investments in and this is proved by the huge amounts of foreign investments brought in to Italy every year. The tax credits provided by the government of Italy adds to the number of reasons why so many foreign investors are interested in investing in Italy in 2021. If you are thinking of doing so, then you must go ahead with it.
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Source@techsaa: Read more at: Technology Week Blog