WiFi routers play a vital role in our day-to-day lives for a long time, and looking at current scenarios; lockdown hits hard on the youth and those who have any communication from the internet world. Whether binge-watching your favorite TV series, your work-from-home job, or your online presence, an internet connection is a must.
Do you ever imagine what happens if someone has access to your online activities? What if someone has access to your computer IP address and stuff’s going to leak out from that. Do you feel comfortable around such activities where your online activities are being monitored? I know it’s a big NO for an answer.
We take cybersecurity lightly, which is the first mistake we make. Internet privacy, identity theft, and data breaches are among the most sensitive issues in today’s digital world. The word router does not come to mind when we think of these problems. Generally, it is one of the most important factors in ensuring your data’s online safety and security.
Hackers can gain access to a person’s network and cause severe damage without the owner’s knowledge. Most of the time, we don’t worry enough about the safety of the route once it’s set up. We believe in unlimited internet access, no matter how accessible to cyber killers. As a result, the surveillance camera network is becoming increasingly important.
Taking care of your digital self is a necessary step, and that’s where we come to save you from the dangerous exposure you can have while casually browsing the net by providing all the technical jargon in bite-sized easy to guides.
This article is from router login.mobi goes into detail about the steps that would help you in maintaining the privacy of your home. When you talk about digital security, many things play a vital role in it. Lack of knowledge and information results in severe problems like privacy invasion, identity threat, financial exposure, identity theft, and many more.
Is Your Router Safe?
The WiFi router is one of the most common digital modules nowadays. It uses LAN (Local Area Network), which uses data packets that contain various data in different forms.
Hackers can effortlessly get into your system and do an ample amount of damage without your knowledge. It may or may not happen to you, but you always have to be on the safer side and be ready for such scenarios. Always remember, “Privacy is the priority.”
5 Best WiFi Security Settings to Keep Hackers Off your Cameras
1. Change Passwords Frequently
Every digital module is protected by a secret code which is known as a password. If you have the password, you can access every single digital module. You have to make sure your password is strong and stands out. Your password must be complex, lengthy, and include a unique character. It must be unpredictable. You can avail the help of various password generators which are random and unique and choose to store and save your password phrase on their secure servers.
2. Firmware updates
It is a must-do task an individual can perform to increase the level of their WiFi security. You must follow the steps to upgrade firmware, and you must regularly check for updates. Nowadays, many companies provide automatic updates, automatically updating the latest development or updates in your firmware.
3. Remote access
Many routers have an interface that allows users to configure it remotely. In remote access, users can remotely access the routers and configure them accordingly to their convenience. But this feature has a significant drawback.
If you can access your router remotely via browser or mobile phone, it can also leave a door open for others to enter your space. So you must disable remote access or use your configuration at the public network. Always configure or access your router from the private network, or you can use VPNs for additional WiFi security to your network.
4. Encryption
Entering a password when signing into a router is now standard encryption from most of the routers. Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA 3) and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA 2) encryption provide advanced WiFi security by requiring a passcode from foreign devices and restricting access without it.
Login with an individual password increases WiFi security. Many guides provide in-depth information about how you can bolster your WiFi security. WPA 3 (Wi-Fi Protected Access) network security consists of the improved version of security and methods to set up WiFi security settings easier for the user.
5. Update OS Firewall
It is a program that monitors and controls traffic as a precaution against network attacks. There are various options, and every router has a different kind of firewall. You will find various tools and settings for optimization under advanced settings in your router administrator.
Every user should protect themselves from cybercrime with easy, simple, and convenient steps. By doing this, you will maintain your precious privacy. Also, never be involved in such practices where you violate a cyber law of the area or country you are browsing the web. Engaging in violation of cyber laws can result in hefty fines and personal damages.
Source@techsaa: Read more at: Technology Week Blog